Understanding your numbers to improve your results

Understanding your numbers to improve your results

Understanding your financial reports, or knowing your numbers, is critical to business success. It allows you to make better business decisions, measure the impact of those decisions, take corrective action where necessary and, ultimately, enjoy better results. By...
Are you playing in the growth game?

Are you playing in the growth game?

What’s your business growth looking like and where were you 12 months ago compared to today? If you haven’t given it much thought it is probably because you’re always stuck in the day-to-day operations. But it is worth spending some dedicated time to do some...
There are seven ways to grow your business

There are seven ways to grow your business

There are just seven ways to grow your business. The first five grow your sales and the last two reduce your costs. The seven ways are: 1. Increase customer retention. Stop your customers from defecting to the competition by keeping them happy. It’s easier to...