Understanding your numbers to improve your results

Understanding your numbers to improve your results

Understanding your financial reports, or knowing your numbers, is critical to business success. It allows you to make better business decisions, measure the impact of those decisions, take corrective action where necessary and, ultimately, enjoy better results. By...
Cash is NOT equal to profit

Cash is NOT equal to profit

Have you ever been in a meeting with your accountant, hearing how much profit you’ve made and being congratulated on a lift in performance, but in the back of your mind you’re wondering where the cash is and how you’re going to make payroll tomorrow? Don’t worry,...
Know your numbers part 4 – Drilling down on your margins

Know your numbers part 4 – Drilling down on your margins

Gains can always be made at the margins. These small incremental gains over a month or a year can have a significant impact on your bottom line. This could be additional profit you make from a single project, a single product or service, a particular geographic area,...